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12 Ways to use “Pardon our Dust”

By January 4, 2019August 1st, 2019No Comments

Building a beautiful marriage is strikingly similar to building a beautiful house. In any construction project there is a certain amount of dust which is the evidence of progress being made. While there may not be literal dust in constructing a beautiful marriage, there certainly is evidence that it is taking place. All of us at Baptist Church Planters are excited to announce that my latest book is now available for purchase. We want to put it in the hands of every pastor, church librarian, Biblical counselor, small group Bible study leader, and couple of every age!  May we present to you a dozen ways this exciting new book can be used?

  1. Engaged couples who are looking forward to their marriage can use this for times of reading together and prayer.
  2. Married couples who are just beginning their journey of a lifetime will clearly see the adjustments, expectations, and encouragements offered from a Biblical perspective.
  3. Children change everything, and couples with these blessings will see themselves clearly in this book as they balance checkbooks, schedules, and mounting responsibilities. Great reminders are presented in an interesting format with practical solutions to the questions this age-group needs answered.
  4. When the house becomes much quieter, married couples who are becoming empty-nesters will especially appreciate the clear presentation of God’s design for their marriage and home. Couples that have been married for many years can discover that the Lord still greatly desires to take their marriage and make it more beautiful than ever imagined.
  5. Pastors will find this book very helpful in their counseling ministries. I’ve been a Biblical counselor for over forty-five years. I wish that I had had a resource like this in my earlier years of ministry. Pastors can assign couples to read a particular chapter or have them read the entire book. Pastors should order their own copy so they can write in the margin and make counseling notes. Additional copies should be ordered for couples to use and either keep or return to the pastor for others to use. This book is written from the perspective of the authority of the Scriptures. It is rich in Biblical content.
  6. Biblical counselors will enjoy using this resource for their ministry. It is written from a perspective of one who has been a Biblical counselor for over forty-five years. I know the marriage difficulties with which they are dealing. I know the Biblical directives they are sharing. This book will become a “go to” resource for Biblical counselors.
  7. This book can be used as a devotional guide by married couples of any age. Reading a few pages at a time and looking up the Biblical references will bless any couple. Thinking through the questions will help any couple to grow and become more closely connected in marriage.
  8. What a great gift for your pastor or pastors! Why not purchase this book for your pastoral staff? You can share with them that you know they have much counseling each week. Offer this book to them as a special thank you for their ministry.
  9. What a great wedding gift! This is a gift that will be useful, helpful, and fun for the couple to read. The easy-to-read storyline makes this book enjoyable for any couple.
  10. This book would be a great gift for each of your married children. You can write a personal note in the front encouraging your children to walk with the Lord and to serve Him.
  11. What a great book to be in your church library! Write a note in the front if you wish to make it a personal gift from you.
  12. Pastors may want to make this book available to every couple in the church. Priced to be affordable, this resource will help build marriages. Strong marriages help produce strong churches. This is a wise investment in church building ministries.

Have you ordered your copy? You may do so at the Baptist Church Planters website It is in Publications under Marriage Counseling.

Order it today! Thank you so much.